Meg is a friend of mine. Her recently released book,
Damn Sure Right is getting brilliant, rave reviews and is available from Amazon and leading bookstores everywhere. She is one of the brightest, most creative people I have ever read... or known.
Father Poems
by Meg Pokrass
no proof exists
my dark father
was human though
no proof exists
his photographs
were torn in two
then four then eight
his face in the trash
pieces slipping
near each other
who I wanted him to be
my father never loved us but I loved him madly when I was three
riding his shoulders
grabbing his hands
seeing from above
how breakable
we really were
Before Dusk, Autumn
The two kites went up
into the late afternoon.
One of them, then the other.
I was locked in the car
while Dad and my cousin, Mamie
swirled the field.
Mamie, watching her shadow grow,
looked embarrassed.
I watched through the window-
The kites were leaves,
wind picking them up,
grabbing them.
As shadows spread
Dad must have remembered
that I was his daughter,
that it was my birthday.
Piggy Back
“Let's go
for a piggy back ride!”
draped me
over him
like a sweater.
Shouldered safely
I let my hands
his face
and found
two caterpillars.
He told me
to feel his chin,
how it was
like sandpaper.
(laughing high above his face).
___My friend, Meg told me, "Fathers really are a rich source. My mother and I left my father when I was five, I never saw him again, so I had many years to think about the memories."
About Meg:
Meg Pokrass writes flash-fiction, short stories and poetry. Damn Sure Right is her debut collection of flash fiction. Meg serves as Editor-at-Large for BLIP Magazine (formerly Mississippi Review) and before that, for SmokeLong Quarterly. Her stories, poems, and flash fiction animations have appeared in nearly one hundred online and print publications, including Mississippi Review, Gigantic, Gargoyle, The Nervous Breakdown, HTML Giant, Wigleaf, The Pedestal, Keyhole, Annalemma, Smokelong Quarterly, elimae, Prime Number, Women Writers and Joyland. Meg creates and runs the popular Fictionaut-Five Author Interview Series for Fictionaut and consults with Writing MFA programs about online publishing. Meg lives with her small, creative family and seven animals in San Francisco, where she edits and teaches flash fiction privately.